Public Policy

The Portland Branch Public Policy Interest Group has been meeting monthly and has identified “Homelessness and its Most Vulnerable Victims – Women and Children” for their 2024-25 concentration.

The issues are complex, and many local actions are already in place to fight, what are really human tragedies that have been too long a blight on urban Portland and its bordering communities. Too often we sigh, shrug and close our eyes, hearts and minds to the many ugly and ubiquitous symptoms.

After having gathered and discussed local data, we would like to share our findings with branch members and others to encourage a deepened understanding and awareness of local homelessness. To this end, we plan to arrange a special panel program as part of this year’s “Civic Engagement” theme.

The program proposes to focus on several of the core topics related to homelessness: women and children’s support services, at risk youth, housing, mental health, and food insecurity. Committee members will be reaching out to identify organizations doing good work in each of these respective areas in greater Portland to identify and invite specialists in each area to be part of the discussion.

The purpose of the event will be to better educate us all about this complex problem, to discuss the issues presented, and to investigate ways of individually supporting the respective participants and organizations who offer services. We don’t aim to be the ultimate authorities, or to describe all of the issues and solutions, only to re-ignite interest in and encourage actions to combat what is in front of us!

If homelessness is an issue that troubles you, please join us in our investigations. Call Co-Chairs Susan Teel (707-287-1442) or Hillary Tiefer (971-228-0591) for further information.

AAUW of Oregon Public Policy: Quarterly State Update>